Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Here is the finished painting from my last entry. I decided on a bluebird, since they're a favorite symbol of happiness. Also, because a butterfly would have reminded me too much of the cover of my "Bambi" VHS. And a fly was just not cute. I will be putting this one on eBay for one week, and if it doesn't sell, I will put it in the the River Art Gallery downtown.
I really like this painting, because it really DOES make me smile!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Almost finished.....

This painting is done on a 12x16" Convexo canvas; the edges are beveled and it does not take a frame. I just have one more element to add, and I'm trying to decide what the dog should be turning around to look at.
Usually you'll catch dogs doing a quick turn to catch an annoying fly. I could do a fly, but I'd rather do a butterfly or a small bird or a dragonfly or even falling leaves. I'll have to chew on this one a bit longer....I'll post the end result in a few days.