Saturday, July 31, 2010

Flyball Dogs #2 - 9x12" oil on canvas panel

Flyball is a very popular dog sport, which is fast-paced and exciting to watch. Dogs of all breeds can play. Relay teams consisting of four dogs race against each other over a line of hurdles to a box that releases a tennis ball when the dog’s paw presses the spring-loaded pad.The dogs have to catch the ball and run back to their handlers at the start/finish line, then the next dog is                                                                           released.
             I find that the different types of dogs and the great action of this sport give me lots of great ideas for quick and loose oil studies and sketches. This is the second oil study in my series, "Flyball Dogs". It shows a Border Collie, which is one of the principal breeds used in this exciting and fast-paced sport. Here's a look at "Flyball Dog #1,  which has already been sold:

"Baby of Mine" Redux - 9x12" oil on canvas panel

I decided to rework this study because I wasn't really "in love" with the original. I am much happier with the way it looks now. For a look back at the original study and the story behind it, click the link to view the original blog post:  "Baby of Mine" (original)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Jack - 12x16" oil on canvas

Jack was the dog who belonged to a good friend and former coworker. We found him in the employee parking lot one day, the sweetest, most darling little Golden Retriever puppy! I had two huge Rhodesians at home, so I couldn't take him, but my kind-hearted friend took him home and he became a beloved member of the family for 16 years. Sadly, he passed away in 2009. My friend commissioned me to paint him and the photos below are the ones I used to compose this piece. So long, sweet Jack!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Learning Curve - 12x16" Oil on Canvas

I've been teaching my puppy, Ruby, to play Frisbee. She's getting really good at it! Sometimes she misses, but her efforts are extremely focused. Watching her inspired this painting. The Frisbee is going too high, and she jumps and twists to try to catch it. Hence, the "learning curve" - literally!

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